Crucial Dimensions Blog Post

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What’s Your Lack of Sleep Costing You?

Emotions are hard to understand — especially in others. But, the more we understand feelings, the better we can respond. When we understand emotions and respond intentionally, our relationships improve — professional and personal.


How Saying “Thank You” Improves Your Brain

We’re emotional creatures — we’re hardwired that way. But we’re not hardwired to know what to do about all those feelings. That’s where Emotional Intelligence (EQ) comes in. Raising your EQ changes the way you see yourself, the people around you, and the way you go about your work, particularly in HR.


The 6 Sources of Influence: How They Bring Change Together

We all could pick at least one behaviour we’d change — especially in someone else. So, what would it be? And how would you influence that change? Don’t assume you know why people do what they do. There are more sources of influence than you may realise. Once we recognise our influences, we find change that lasts.


How to Talk to Someone Who Doesn’t Open Up

If someone doesn’t want to talk with you, they won’t. Even if you were to practise every skill we teach in Crucial Conversations exactly the way we tell you to do it, you can’t force someone to open up. But if you persist, the other person almost always will join you — even if it takes some time.


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