Over the past 12 years, the skilled Crucial Dimensions team have delivered globally proven training to thousands of people in organisations across Australia and New Zealand. Our work has helped organisations to create cultures of safety, increase performance and accountability, as well as helped teams improve ‘peace of mind’ and overall team engagement.
“Personally, I have used the skills myself. But also, some of my staff have gone through the training as well and I have seen a difference in the positive relationships within the team.”
S.A. Health
Some of the world’s most innovative and successful organisations have trusted
Crucial Dimensions to teach them crucial skills.
Rather than focusing on systems, processes or strategy, we focus on PEOPLE. More specifically, how people behave. Based on more than 30 years of ongoing social science research, our award-winning workplace training courses have been delivered to more than 2 million people worldwide.
Crucial Dimensions is a global partner of Crucial Learning
and authorised to sell Crucial Learning courses
Australia and New Zealand