Crucial Dimensions Blog Post

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The 6 Sources of Influence: How They Bring Change Together

We all could pick at least one behaviour we’d change — especially in someone else. So, what would it be? And how would you influence that change? Don’t assume you know why people do what they do. There are more sources of influence than you may realise. Once we recognise our influences, we find change that lasts.


How Your Ancestors Can Help You Become a Better Person

There are people all around us struggling through tough times. If you find yourself battling loneliness, anxiety, or disappointment, the Ancestor Effect can help you. If you’re willing to reexamine the story of where you come from, you can create new emotions and promote healthy actions in hard seasons of life.


The Downside of Dialogue and Teamwork

Dialogue is great, but sometimes people start to take on the conclusions of the most charismatic or experienced person in the room, even if conclusions are flawed. Here’s how to overcome the subconscious bias of The Halo Effect.


How to Radically Improve Hiring and Promotion Decisions

At VitalSmarts, we talk a lot about the importance of a safe environment for crucial conversations. But sometimes, safety’s not enough to make the crucial conversation a success. Even situations where mutual respect and mutual purpose abound, conversations can still fail because of an interesting phenomenon called The Halo Effect.


Want Improved Job Performance? Accountability Isn’t Enough

If we’re honest, we’ve all let someone down and we’ve all been let down. But when it happens at work, it becomes more than a disappointment — it becomes an issue of job performance. And the best way to solve the problem is to look at the causes — the big WHY behind a behaviour. We group these causes into what we call The Six Sources of Influence.


Why We’re Bad at Influencing Behavior Change

The most important capacity we possess is our ability to influence behaviour change, but we humans aren’t naturally good at it. In fact, we’re terrible, which means our organisations, society, and personal lives all suffer. We need a better way to influence behaviour.


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